Derivatives of the midgut include:
- 1 All of the small intestine
- 2 Ascending colon
- 3 All of the transverse colon
- 4 The cecum and appendix
0 voters
During the first week of development:
- 1 There is cleavage of the zygote
- 2 A morula forms
- 3 The zona pellucida degenerates
- 4 There is formation of a blastocyst
0 voters
In the third week of development:
- 1 Somites begin to differentiate from the lateral mesoderm
- 2 The notochord develops in the midline between the cloacal membrane and the primitive node
- 3 The intraembryonic coelom develops in the paraxial mesoderm
- 4 Blood and blood vessel formation begins
0 voters
Folding of the embryonic disk:
- 1 Incorporates part of the amniotic cavity into the embryo
- 2 Results in the splanchnopleure forming the lateral and ventral body walls
- 3 Occurs during the third week of development
- 4 Incorporates the dorsal part of the yolk sac into the embryo to form the primitive gut
0 voters
Derivatives of the pharyngeal apparatus include:
- 1 The external auditory meatus
- 2 The maxilla
- 3 The ossicles of the ear
- 4 The palate
0 voters