Question – A mother brought her 13 years old daughter to clinic because she was concerned that she is short for her age. She was diagnosed as having familial short stature. Mother wanted to start injection growth hormone to increase her height as her niece received GH treatment. Her niece had congenital heart problem with streak ovaries. Doctor explained to her that not all short stature child needs GH therapy. What could be the possibility of condition her niece suffering from–

A. Angelman’s syndorme

B. Down’s syndrome

C. Turner’s syndrome

D. Noonan syndorme

E. Septo-optic dysplasia

Question – A 5 days old neonate was diagnosed as having congenital hypothyroidism. What is most commonly observed clinical features in a baby with this condition?

A. Hyperthermia

B. Hypocalcemia

C. Hypothermia

D. Small anterior fontalles

E. Inguinal hernia

Question – A 14 years old boy was brought to GP with complaints of frequest episodes of diaphoresis, headache, tremors,pallor and palpitation. On general examination he was normal except for high blood pressure. What could be the possibility–

A. Diabetes mellitus

B. Neuroblastoma

C. Pheochomocytoma

D. Hypothyroidism

E. Hyperparathyroidism

Question – A 9 years girl was diagonsed as having type 1 diabetes and was given clinic appointment for regular follow up. Which of the following disease to be screened once in three years.

A. Thyroid disease

B. Retinopathy

C. Micoalbumenuria

D. Foot care

E. Coeliac disease

Question – A 16 years old girl with cystic fibrosis was brought to GP with history of 4 kg weight loss over last 2 months. His respiratory and gastrointestinal symptoms are remains unchanged. What could be the possibility.

A. Diabetes mellitus

B. Coeliac disease

C. Pernicious anemia

D. Brain tumor

E. Chronic renal failure