Didn't even know that mother was admitted to the hospital after being treated for Covid patient

Didn’t even know that mother was admitted to the hospital after being treated for Covid patient
Dr. Akhand Upadhyay
The day was approaching to almost end of tireless hard work and day-night sorrow that is the last day of MBBS final exam. At that time, the number of corona infected in China was rising.
The day the government said to postpone all the exams across the country, i.e. on Thursday, Chaitra 2077, 06, the college finished the exam without stopping, let’s say I had a big heavy heavy. And then the lockdown started in the country. The internship which was supposed to start from Chaitra was closed due to Corona. Result came after almost 4 months. Meanwhile, the number of infected people in the country was rising everyday.
The result was good and the information that the internship will start at Patan Hospital, I was assured after coming from college, that means now I can work as a doctor. And, intern started from Asar 21
Our hospital was converted into Covid hospital by the government. The establishment operated by internal income was also operating OPD with security in the middle of the lockdown due to the loss of other services completely closed during the lockdown. Patan Health Science Institute was serving when other hospitals in the capital refused to admire and see the patients.
I was surprised to see my seniors, teachers, resident brothers, medical officers, nurses sisters and all other health workers and administration are working on their duties in the hospital amidst the corona infection.
The first posting of Corona has started from the Medicine Department. Medicine itself looked at ICU, isolation which kept corona patients, other departments also looked at isolation and ward patients. Anyway, all the health workers in this hospital were serving the patients from OPD to Corona’s ward instead of day and night.