Differential Diagnosis: Viral illness, Otitis Media, Meningitis, URI, LRI,

Differential Diagnosis: Viral illness, Otitis Media, Meningitis, URI, LRI,
Gastroenteritis, UTI.

  1. For Viral illness:
    a. Have you noticed any rash on the body?
    b. Have you noticed any swelling of the body?
  2. For Otitis Media:
    a. Does he/she pull the ear?
    b. Have you noticed runny nose or redness of eyes?
    c. Have you noticed any discharge from the ear? If yes, then ABCO
  3. For Meningitis/Encephalitis:
    a. Have you noticed any stiffness in the neck?
    b. Did he/she lose consciousness?
    c. Have you noticed any shaky movements?
    d. Have you noticed bulging of fontanels?
  4. For LRI:
    i. Have you noticed any a cough?
    ii. ii.Have you noticed any sound accompanying? (stridor)
    i. Have you noticed any difficulty swallowing?
    ii. Have you noticed drooling of saliva?
    *Bronchiolitis : Have you noticed any difficulty breathing?
  5. For Gastroenteritis:
    a. Have you noticed any change in bowel habits?
    b. Have you noticed nausea or vomiting?
    c. Have you noticed any distension of the belly?
    d. Do you have to use more diapers than usual?
  6. For UTI:
    a. Have you noticed any change in urinary habits?
    b. Does the baby cry while urinating?
  7. CBC with differential, S/E (K+)
  8. CXR
  9. Blood Culture
  10. Lumbar puncture & CSF analysis
  11. Urinalysis