Discuss briefly on rehabilitation of multiple sclerosis?



1 The main objective is to ease the burden of symptoms by improving self performance and independence

2 Individualised approach is the key in management

3 Family based rehabilitation plays a key role

4 By following a multidisciplinary approach

5 By maintaining postural balance - exercises such as tai chi , yoga , hydrotherapy and Feldenkrais and by use of lokomat

6 By use of modafinil ( improves attention span , working span and phenomic memory ) , appropriate time management , sleep hygeine , memory cues and calenders

7 By establishing a proper bowel plan - lifestyle modification , use of fiber rich diet and take laxatives

8 For abolishimg pain - carbamazepine is used for acute paroxysmal pain , amitryptiline for dysesthetic pain

9 By focusing on functional communication therapy emphasizing importance to communication rather than sound

10 by eating smaller quantity of food at a time to prevent dysphagia

11 By implementing energy conservation techniques - doing less work at a time , not to stretch too much to avoid fatigue

12 By use of adaptive devices to simplify things at office or home

13 By providing vocational reassurance , counselling and job placements

14 By maximizing quality of life

15 By improving gait parameters by following a daily regime of walking a few and feasible distances

16 By providing assistive devices to prevent undue stresses on the extremities


1 severly disabled individuals

2 individuals with cognitive difficulties

3 individuals with ataxia and imbalance