Do Indian medical degrees like MBBS, MD, and MS have value in other countries?

Do Indian medical degrees like MBBS, MD, and MS have value in other countries? Are people who have them accepted as doctors? Which countries accept them?

Indian MBBS degree is at par with any other Primary Medical qualification awarded by other countries in West or the Eastern world. The thing is, a primary medical qualification, only makes you eligible for the licensing exam of the country concerned. It has very little relevance in any other scenario.

However, Indian MD/MS/DNB/DM/MCh has little or no value outside India. In the Gulf, Indian degrees are considered to be Tier 3 qualifications (Lowest grade Qualification) which never allow you to become a consultant. That is not to say that Indian Doctors have poor knowledge. It’s purely supply and demand. The gulf countries have a huge supply of Indian MD/MS doctors. Indian Doctors are even willing to happily work at half the salary being offered to UK/US graduates, as this salary is still much higher than what they get paid back home!

In the West, Indian degrees are not even recognised as Tier 3 qualifications. It’s particularly sad, considering UK recognises some specialist qualifications of Pakistan (FCPS Paediatrics), and even Bangladesh (FCPS Anaesthesiology). Pakistani or Bangladeshi training might be good, but even after having a stronger and much older training system, India has been unable to prove it’s training standards to the world!

This poor reputation is partly due to the absence of a standard nationalised entry or exit system. Rampant corruption, Management Quota seats, NRI Quota seats etc make it all very hard to assure the standard of docs graduating as specialists.

Having a specialist in just 2/3 years of training is another drawback. Most of the Surgical Specialties in Pakistan/Bangladesh require 5 years of training. The same specialties require 8 years of training in the UK, whereas we in India produce surgeons and physicians (MS / MD) after 2/3 years of training!

All these reasons, make Indian degrees hold very little value outside of India!

Kavyangsh Bhan.
Senior Clinical Fellow (Trauma & Orthopaedics)
NHS, England.

Might be indian degrees have little value abroad,but abroad patients come to india for getting best treatment in cheaper rates …India has big medical tourism,u can’t say indian docs have poor skills than European or Americans

Rubbish time pass posts… Better concentrate on your career brother. In baikaitiyo ki koi umar nhi