Doctor were surprised to find a man full of worms after eating a big amount of sushi

Doctor were surprised to find a man full of worms after eating a big amount of sushi.

In the city of Canton, China, a man visited his doctor for stomach pain and skin itching.

X-rays showed his entire body was infected with worms (tenia).

Doctors told him it was because of the large amount of raw fish (sashimi) he had eaten.

Some parts were supposed to be contaminated.

These cases have increased due to the growing popularity of sushi.

Research has shown that eating fish raw or not cooked enough can cause parasitic infections.

Intestinal parasitosis (tenia) develops after eating dhyllobothrio larvae found in freshwater fish like salmon.

We better get ready for a third wave of covid 19 these guys eat litterary everything

still want sushi?