Dr Sangeeta Gurung said it all started after examining the patient in OPD

Cheating death

Dr Sangeeta Gurung said it all started after examining the patient in OPD. On the next day she had a sprain on her back which made her lay on bed for few more days .During her bed rest the body ache was radiated on upper body and whole body later, she also felt warmth on her cheek which was accidental for which she happen to measure her temperature, it was 101.7 .

Her friend called her they will be visiting her soon,but she denied to meet them as she had a fever and her friend told her the patient whom she examine 7 days ago came positive for SARS-COV 2 .

She was afraid and rushed for PCR as she also had the symptoms of myalgia and fever ,which happen to came positive, till then she already had a symptoms of breathlessness . The HRCT was planned on the next day but she wanted to do it same day . During her HRCT she had a difficulty in breathing which landed her in ICU .

The Shortness of breath was increased on 10 th day from the beginning of her first symptoms . She was shifted to GIH through helicopter . GIH-EMS has done the tremendous work on her transfer from Pokhara to GIH .

When she was brought to GIH-ICU ,she had almost lost her hope of survival , she also said she had a frequent loss of consciousness .She was on 100% fio2 reservoir mask with Spo2 of 50-55%.

HFNC (high flow nasal canulla ) 60 L flow was started with other medicine .Her Sop2 was little improved . On examination and looking at her investigation HRCT was almost >80% involvement ,CT severity score of 21 with inflammatory marker on higher side. She was kept on HFNC of 60L and fio2 of 100% at the beginning and encouraged for awake self proning .After 6 th days of her admission to GIH-ICU ,She said she does not remember the things but she only remember she had a difficulty in breathing on her arrival and unconscious on the 3rd day of her admission. Day by day…on the 7th day she felt a bit relieved and she felt she survived .

Dr @milankthapa91
Milan K Thapa

Continuous vigellence by nursing staff was mandatory as her spo2 suddenly dropped many times and she said she is so much obliged to nursing staff who continuously supported her taking care of her during her difficult times, talking with her and continually encouraging her every seconds.There were many times she had a hypoxic episodes which was well managed by the nurses and doctors on duty, work well done .

She had to stay for 16 days in icu and 5 days in single cabin . Her total stay is 21 days in Grande international Hospital and over all from the first symptoms to till date was 31 days.

Today she is off from the oxygen supplementation and preparing to discharge from hospital Tomorrow. We wish Dr Sangeeta Gurung a healthy life .

Dr Sangeeta Gurung wanted to pay her sincere gratitude to all the nurses,medical officers,consultants,hospital management ,attendants and who were actively participated to save her life .