Easy ways to make your skin clean, pure and sparkle through tomatoes
Tomato is extremely useful to improve the skin’s tone and the face is extremely useful as well as it makes the face of the face. Tomatoes have a abundant amount of Vitamin C in the tomatoes that the color of the skin along with nḵھạrnے as fair as well. Does. In the same way, if the tomato is apply with different things and apply to the face, it is also the end of the dead sales, ạy̰ḵny̰, pmplz and marks.
Today we are telling you the unique ways to use the tomatoes that you can get rid of your skin color with nḵھạrnے and pmplz etc.
: tomato fee mask for skin shine
These are the things you need to make a mask.
take some tomatoes and mashable them after they put a little oatmeal and yogurt in it and mix well, your fee mask is ready.
after preparing the mask, you apply it to the face and leave for about 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, it will be in front of you. This mask is shiny and fair to the face affected by your sun. Will make it.
you can also use tomatoes and lemon juice for the face affected by listening teen. Cut some tomatoes and make a lemon juice in it then apply it to the affected parts of the face and then leave a while. Then take some water before washing And massage it well on the face and dھwly̰ں.
this is how if you are looking for a cure for black heads, even if you want to get a little announces mud and add a tomato juice in it, then apply this paste on your face. After having 15 minutes, a bit Take sa water and massage well and then dھwly̰ں it with semi hot water.
: face cleaning through tomato
For this you will only need two ingredients, one tomato and second Chinese.
- cut a tomato and put a tea spoon on it in the Chinese when she gets gھul then massage it on your face. Doing this will disappear the dead sales of your skin and will be clean soon.
: Tomato’s dẖzy̰ʿے face scars removal
FOR THIS YOU WILL NEED 3 Ingredients Tomato, lemon and wool.
- 2 Tea Spoon Tomato and 2 only tea spoon lemon juice to massage it through a wool on your face and leave for 15 minutes and then dھwly̰ں.