External cephalic version

EXTERNAL CEPHALIC VERSION:- Done to bring the favourable cephalic pole in the lower pole of the uterus

Prerequisites for ECV:-
-More than 37 wks
-Liquor should be adequate
-membranes should be intact.
-No contraindications for vaginal delivery.
-Single fetal pregnancy.

Indications of ECV:-
-breech presentation
-transverse lie

Contraindications of ECV:-
-antepartum hemorrhage, due to risk of placental separation
-fetal causes like hyper extension of the neck(star gazing position), large fetus(>3.5kg), congenital abnormalities (major), dead fetus, fetal compromise(IUGR)
-obstetric complications (severe pre-eclampsia, obesity, elderly primigravida & bad obstetric history)
-Rh alloimmunization
-multiple pregnancy
-ruptured membrane
-congenital malformations of the uterus.
-abnormal CTG contracted pelvis.