Face scars Why, how and solve?

Face scars
Why, how and solve?

Doctor Ayesha says that when the people of white color go to the sun, their face looks black while white colour people face red. Talking to the media, they told that white skin was protected from the ạlٹrạwạỷlٹ. It is less that these people have the risk of getting more scars. The opposite is found more in the skin of the gdmy̰ color, so these people do not have more scars.

Scars women get early or men?

Dr. Ayesha says that the scars on women’s faces are more quickly due to the skin of the skin. the scars on their faces are late due to the skin of the men’s skin. They told that the problems of the cw are more than that. And the birth of children is a big reason to get scars on women’s faces.

What is the precautions for the selleck?

According to Dr. Ayesha:
1: parents should use the habit of listening to the children from the young age.
2: take any kind of problem seriously and treat.
3: feed the children with balanced diet from the beginning and help them adopt a balanced lifestyle.

What should be done in the form of scars?

Dr. Ayesha says that in case of scars, some basic matters are necessary.
1: use these cosmetics which have more quantity of Vitamin C.
2: use such a mwỷscẖrạỷzr that is more than the sy̰rạmạỷڈ quantity. They said it needs to be understood with all the things that the use of anything can not prove to be beneficial in one day. , so all these things need to make a habit for better results. Dr. Ayesha also had to say that avoid using home remedies in the face of the face, anything on the face of the face without testing on hand or arm Don’t use.