Got my score report a few hrs ago and it has definitely exceeded my expectations

Hey there everyone.

Got my score report a few hrs ago and it has definitely exceeded my expectations.

I hope this is the start of a nice life journey ahead, and a change for the better.

Regarding prepartion, being 30 years old(& belonging to grad classof 2007); and having different life issues and challenges than most people sitting for this exam; my study schedule was a bit different to most people I read experiences of.

I’ll write about it shortly in detail, hoping it motivates some of you, as many members’ experiences surely helped me.

I have no God to thank, as God was seldom by my side during this arduous journey; Parents, Family and 4-5 close friends; besides peers from this group, members here past and present; are the ones who really helped me and I’m much obliged to all.