Greetings I’m 2 years 3 months and 24 days post ACL Reconstruction

Long post alert. But help!!

Greetings I’m 2 years 3 months and 24 days post ACL Reconstruction, and Meniscus repair/clean up. But who’s counting. I went back to softball about 18 months post surgery. Everything was fine. About 6 or 7 months ago I started feeling a tingling/ numbing sensation in my knee and surrounding area when I threw the ball. It didn’t hurt or anything just felt funny. I spoke to my former PT and he mentioned that he has had previous patients with the same issues. It has something to do with the Piriformis and strength of my quads. I’ve recently lost about 35 lbs, and counting, I’ve been exercising daily and I feel as though my knee is strengthening. Fast forward to today and now with the tingling and numbness there’s a little pain. Anyone experience this?? If so what helped?? Exercising?? Tape?? Etc. My PT mentioned some stretches that I have been doing but just wondering if someone has surpassed something like this. I would still love to continue to play softball but not being able to throw is kind of bothering me mentally. Help!!