Hair loss an inevitable fall?

Hair loss an inevitable fall?

The signs are an abundant hair loss, with progressive clearance of the front, above the temples or the top of the skull.

What are the causes of hair loss?

The main cause of hair loss is an excess of male hormones. This excess is heritable: if your father is bald, you will have a great chance to be. In fact, male hormones will accelerate the hair’s life cycle, making the fall faster. Other causes can be taken into account. Thus, permanent stress or extended anxiety can lead to fall. An unstable diet, in some vitamins (H, b6…), can also be at stake. Also attention to shampoos too aggressive for the scalp or frequent dye.

Some medicines can also cause a significant loss of hair (Anticoagulant, anticoagulant…). Read the list of side effects on the notice.

Hair loss treatments

Treatments Depend on the cause. When hair loss is due to an external agent (medicine, Vitamin Lack…), it will be easily solved. On the other hand, when hair is due to excess hormones, specific techniques, medicines, anti-fall products or transplantation should be used.

The drugs

There are some medicines that seem effective against hair. In any case, the sooner hair loss is found, the more effect the treatment will have. The most common treatments are those based on minoxidil. Indeed, this product slows down hair loss and sometimes causes a growth. There are in the form of lotion to apply twice a day. Treatment must be followed " for life once started, it must not be stopped if we want to keep the benefit. Other effective treatments are presented as tablets. In any case, you must of course consult a doctor. It should be known that these treatments do not necessarily work for all patients and that some allergies or side effects are sometimes to fear. In addition, their price remains quite high.

The grafts

In addition to medicines, one of the most effective treatments is the transplantation. There are several types of grafts, depending on the case. In General, the technique used is micro transplantation. It’s actually about taking small pieces of skin containing hair (on the neck for example) and relocate them on the bald zone. The intervention lasts two to three hours under local anesthesia and can be repeated up to three or four times (three months minimum) depending on the width of the area to be covered. The advantage is that hair is natural and there is no treatment to follow. The inconvenience is of course the price, which rises to a few tens of thousands of francs. Instead of your own hair, you can get implants, which are very close to real hair. In this case, the price is a little lower but there is a risk of rejection.

Another solution: Wigs or hairpieces. Manufacturing and laying techniques have improved greatly. These fireworks are now very hard to spot and don’t fly away at the slightest wind. They are a good solution if you don’t want to follow treatment or practice surgery.

Finally, beware of miracles products announced in magazines. These products usually have no scientific foundation and may make you lose, in addition to your hair, a lot of money.