Has anyone in this group retorn their ACL after repair?

Has anyone in this group retorn their ACL after repair?

I tore my right ACL and both menisci playing lacrosse in February and had my ACL and lateral meniscus repaired (patellar tendon graft) in June with a medial meniscus debridement. I fell getting out of the shower today (lame, I know) and didn’t feel a pop, but felt instant intense pain as soon as it happened. The pain went down pretty quickly and it swelled up a bit but nothing too crazy. My extension is now limited and it’s overall stiff (my range of motion was back to normal before this). I was able to walk pretty soon after and be on my feet at work (healthcare) but it buckled a few times.

I’ve had previous scares where I’ve stepped wrong and felt my menisci get pinched/tweaked a bit but I’ve always been confident that my ACL is fine. This time feels a lot like how my knee felt in those 3 months while I was waiting for surgery - just off and a little unstable. I see my physical therapist tomorrow and am trying to get in with my surgeon next week just in case.

Has anyone retorn theirs and if so did you get a pop the second time you did it? Was it less painful than the first time?