Have just seen a post from someone who is post-op and in a lot of pain

Have just seen a post from someone who is post-op and in a lot of pain. So that’s got me really worried for my op
Is there anyone who had ACL reconstruction and the pain and recovery wasn’t too bad?
Mine wasn’t bad. I had a nerve block that lasted 12-16 hours and took my pain meds as prescribed, even through the night. I was barley in any pain.
I was suffering for the first 3-4 days and after that it was better each day so I’d say the first week is worst after that its fine
I had ACL and meniscus surgery in June. Fortunately, it was not bad for me. I took my pain meds OTC for 48hrs. Then as needed within a week only on Tylenol.
Had surgery Friday. ACL reconstruction with donor graft. / Mcl reconstruction. I also had a huge flap tear in the femoral condlye lining and damage repaired behind knee cap. I had a femoral block and general anesthesia. I was told to load up on my pain meds to prepare for when the block wears off. Been icing frequently and the pain as been almost zero. Tylenol and Advil I also have taken tramadol a few times as block wore off. Hope this helps.
Pain was through the roof immediately after surgery, but they gave me so many drugs it dealt to it as well as an injection in the knee. First week was okay, second week a bit sore, then I got DVT from the surgery and pain went back up. Its not going to be pain free, but with the right pain management it should be bearable.
Had complete ACL rupture, MCL rupture and small lateral meniscuc rupture. Pain only day one because I’m allergic to some meds. After day one it was piece of cake. I’m 15 days PO now and starting PT, which is going to be painful but keep in mind everything will one day be yesterday