Heart, the amazing and wonderful organ!

He’s been there, accompanying you since the beginning of your life. No slack, no rest, fulfilling his role day after day. Suddenly, you notice his presence: a fright, a surprise, a stronger exercise, a change in his functioning, and his beats accelerate, unbalance, become stronger.

Except in situations like this, the truth is that the heart goes almost unnoticed for most of us most of the time. However, it is one of the most important organs of our metabolism.

It is the basis of the functioning of the circulatory system of human beings, that is, those who take care of the pumping of blood throughout the body. It is a muscular organ that is located in the middle of the chest and has about 400 grams of mass (in an adult). To get an idea of ​​its importance, the heart is the first organ that will develop during pregnancy. This is because the cardiovascular system is essential to provide nutrients and oxygen to the developing embryo and to eliminate carbon dioxide and metabolic waste.