HELLO, i facing problem almost in every winter since the class of 10th,

HELLO, i facing problem almost in every winter since the class of 10th,

in winter after running or jogging or even somtime randomly inside home or even when i go to tight sunlight , i feel like needle pricking over my shoulder or stomach or leg even back .

but maximum over hand and shoulders.

ans due to this i don’t prefer to go out in winter…

can u suggest me any risk is this ir normal and except this i don’t have any problem.

if anyone have idea about this thn plzzz suggest me…

actually i done the treatment for this from Homeopathy but no result thn left and somtime i ask doctor then he can’t understand my problem .

and yes while pricking , itching also takes place for 2 or 3 minute only and at that place small small pimple type . but after 2 mint al vanish.
