Hepatitis B, is a type of viral infectious disease in humans that the hepatitis B virus (HBV) causes

Hepatitis B, or Hepatitis B, is a type of viral infectious disease in humans that the hepatitis B virus (HBV) causes. The most damage of this disease is the patient’s liver. The virus of this disease can cause both acute or chronic conditions. Hepatitis B virus causes one of the most serious types of hepatitis. In many patients, there are no signs of disease at the beginning of infection and early infection. In some, the onset and rapid development of the disease is accompanied by vomiting, yellow skin, fatigue, dark urine and abdominal pain.[1.[ These signs often continue for a week or two and rarely happen that this primary infection causes the patient’s death.[2][3 180 Onset of symptoms may be 30 to 180 The day lasts long. Among those who experience this infection at birth about 90 % of their hepatitis B is chronic while less than 10 % of patients infected after the age of five will be chronic hepatitis B Most people who have this disease chronically show no signs of it; however, this infection can help and make it more complicated by Hepatocellular carcinoma .[4st Due to this complexity, the death rate following those diseases is 15 to 25 % higher than others.