How to diff fish tail and swallow tail?

how to diff fish tail and swallow tail?

In the context of ECG interpretation, “fish tail” and “swallow tail” refer to patterns observed in the T wave morphology. Here’s how you can differentiate between them:

  1. Fish Tail T Wave: A “fish tail” pattern in the T wave is characterized by a gradual downsloping of the terminal portion of the T wave, resembling the tail of a fish. This pattern is often seen in conditions such as myocardial ischemia or coronary artery disease. The T wave gradually descends without a clear cutoff point, creating a smooth, continuous curve resembling a fish tail.
  2. Swallow Tail T Wave: On the other hand, a “swallow tail” pattern in the T wave is characterized by a more abrupt termination of the T wave followed by a sharp notch or dip, resembling the tail of a swallow bird. This pattern is often seen in patients with long QT syndrome or certain electrolyte abnormalities such as hypokalemia. The T wave shows a more abrupt transition from the peak to the descending limb, creating a notch or dip resembling a swallow tail.

Differentiating between these patterns on an ECG requires careful observation of the morphology of the T waves, particularly the terminal portion. Additionally, clinical context, including the patient’s medical history and presenting symptoms, can provide valuable information in interpreting these ECG findings accurately.