I am planning to give my step 2 CK in November

I am planning to give my step 2 CK in November. I wasn’t eligible for the pathways, so I gave up. But now, I am getting registered in my home country, which will make me eligible for pathway 1. I am applying for registration now, and I will get it by December. I am rushing to take step 2 CK now, but the earliest I can take is mid-November. I will get the results by December and to get certified it will be January already. Do you guys think I stand any chances ? Has anyone ever applied this late and got interviews?

My credentials -

YoG- 2018

Visa-requiring IMG.

Step 1-237

Step 2 CK- pending

6 months of Hands-on experience.

1 university hospital letter head

1 hospital letterhead

1 clinic letterhead

1 publication. ( not in PubMed indexed journal )

Thank you for reading.