I don’t have eczema but my daughter has eczema and atopic dermatitis

I don’t have eczema, but my daughter has eczema and atopic dermatitis. lately she is finding showering to be uncomfortable. When she washes her long hair she is finding that she gets very itchy all over her back and her face burns and when she gets out of the shower she doesn’t feel clean because of the burning and itching. My husband is a dermatologist and she’s using the least reactive shampoo, Free and Clear. Any advice for her?
I had awful eczema for the past seven years (80% of the body I’d say) and have been overusing corticosteroids in ways that are certainly not recommended just to get a bit of relief. Now I had to stop because of pregnancy and have had a really hard time for the past four months, trying every cream that I came across, ichtamolum, salt and oat baths, diet, you name it. And last week I finally found something that works for me - the cream is called Skin-cap and the active component is zinc pyrithione. They also make shampoo, I’m going to get it next. I thought for a long time I have eczema on my scalp and my dermatologist was giving me corticosteroids but then I got rid of it with antidandruff shampoos (ketonazol). I think I was just misdiagnosed and actually have a bacterial/fungus infection ! seeing that the zinc works miracles for me…I had the same issue as your daughter, all the shampoos would just make me itch, all of my face and back extremely itchy and irritated. Perhaps try it if you haven’t yet.