I had an ACL replacement 15 years ago after a skiing accident

Glad I found this group. I had an ACL replacement 15 years ago after a skiing accident. I was 40 at the time. I had a cadaver ligament procedure. It has served me well for the most part, I teach yoga, ride horses and am pretty active. So flash forward, I went skiing this past Sunday, 2nd time in seven years…did it to justify keeping my skis, as we are moving to Virginia in two months… and as fate would have it was crashed into from behind by an out of control snowboarder…right into my ACL repaired left knee. 😔 The pain was excruciating, but I didn’t hear a pop… although to be honest I didn’t hear it the first time it happened 15 years ago either…could have been because I was howling in pain too. I was grateful to get in to see an Ortho at a great practice yesterday, they took images, and I go back next Monday for an MRI, then again Feb 1 for follow up visit with the surgeon. I felt comfortable with this Ortho Dr., but he told me in his whole career he’s only seen one worse “botched” surgery than mine. Apparently the screw isn’t even in the femur? Who knew. He was amazed I didn’t have worse problems and said it was a testament to the healing of the human body that I had done so well. The former surgeon is long retired, and that Ortho practice doesn’t even exist anymore. I’m very sad that this accident happened and feeling very deflated and depressed. I’m glad I found this group. I hope to find some inspiration here. I am beside myself as I feel like being inactive while we figure next steps out, is a huge setback not only physically but mentally/emotionally as well. I’m not ready to be sidelined at 55, and not being able to ride the horse I am leasing is very sad for me. Anyhow, not meaning to be “Debbie Downer” but I wanted to claim a seat here in this group. Positive vibes are welcome…and I’m sending healing vibes and strength and courage to all of you too. Thanks for sharing your stories and experiences.