I have revision RACL reconstruction scheduled for a week from Thursday

Greetings - I have revision RACL reconstruction scheduled for a week from Thursday. I’ve a long history with knee surgeries, but it’s been a while since I’ve had an ACL one, and this is my first revision. Should also add this is stage 2 of 2 (had hardware removed and bone graft placed in June).

Surgeon has said recovery should be similar to a 1st time ACL repair, but my last was in 1999.

My question is around what I can do to prepare for recovery. For my last ACL surgery I was still under my parents roof. Now my husband and I work full time from home, have 3 kids who will be out of the house during the day but the youngest of whom is only 19 months. I’m planning on only 2 days off, the day of and after surgery, plus a weekend, before I go back to work.

I have an ice man machine, a lap desk, and a way of showering sitting down. Do I need a toilet raiser, a caddy for storing often used stuff, etc…? Any/all recommendations are appreciated, especially if you have experience with a 2 stage revision.

Practice getting down and up from the toilet with a straight leg. I returned to work 5 days after. I could sit most of the day with my leg up and have ice on.

Get a few meals ready in the freezer, do as much laundry as possible before you go. Maybe tuck away a couple of new toys for the little one to occupy he/she for the first few days.

Just keep your leg up as much as possible.