I took PLAB 2 course in July and already waiting for my exam result

I took PLAB 2 course in July and already waiting for my exam result.

first of all, the actual course is nothing like what the say on their website. There is no refund even after 1 day if you don’t like the course. They will not give you any kinds of notes. You’ll have to spend 10 hrs a day writing your own notes (which is not practical) or take previous batches notes. Note that all other famous academies provide you with up to date notes once you apply for the course, but not Samson. He actually claimed that all of the other academies take their notes from him, which I don’t believe it at all.

Samson himself only come in the first day. His focus is on PLAB1 to have them back for PLAB2. No one should attend a PLAB1 course as famous question banks are more than enough.

The tutors are mostly bad. Except for a few including great ones who’ll teach you manikins and examinations. Yet, other academies you’ll have the main tutors teaching you (Swamy, Hamed or Ankur). You going to see Samson a lot, but through the videos, which are completely waste of time and worthless (I’m trying to use polite tone here that’s why I won’t be saying things like shit or crab :slightly_smiling_face:).

The main teaching method is Samson videos, which are again a wate of time.

You will feel that the whole course is a waste of time.

Manikins are available, but most of them are torn out. They won’t let you use the good ones. They don’t have working talking manikin.

I hated the mocks. They are 18 stations but less than 6 minutes each. They intentionally then fail you.

The biggest issue of the mocks is the feedback. Samson only comments on 4 stations out of 72 that you will do during your 4 mocks as a personal feedback. The grneral feedback is basically showing you the same videos of Samson each mock. That is another waste of time! And it can take place till the middle of the night.

If you missed any feedback, you’ll be denied the rest of the mocks! Why? because Samson academy is unprofessional.

Samson himself and most of his staff are unprofessional and really rude. Like really rude. They treat you like you are working for them! although you have paid money for certain services which are delivered horribly.

If you have a pride as a doctor, don’t come near Samson. You don’t need him to pass the exam.

So how to pass? attend any other academy. You will pass if you worked hard and practice. Samson courses added nothing to me. I only got better and learned about Plab during my practice with friends I met there and their great support.

You only actually pass by the support of your fellow colleagues. Not the academy, especially Samson’s

One last note. You’ll find people who will deny this post and speak highly of Samson. They are paid to do so. Don’t believe false and paid ads. Be smart and conserve your pride. You are a doctor. Why would you choose an academy that treats you like you are a slave?!!

There are many ways to pass PLAB without Samson. And I’m 10000% sure other academies are better. At least they are professional and nice!

BTW, Samson having the highest passing rate is a joke. Where is the proof for such claim? Plz use you minds.

Simply put, Samson course was both worst decision and experience of my life.