I want a suggestion, Im towards the end of my first first aid read

i want a suggestion, Im towards the end of my first first aid read. dont remember much and i started doing uworld a block a day.

should be starting 2nd read soon but i used used FA and Amir Mullick videos for renal respiratory rheumatology and reproductive.

tbh,i was very satisfied cuz it helped me alot with the annotations and gave me an idea of how to solve questions on UW! saw a bit change

but now i read that hes a fake. can anyone help me ? anyone using the same videosss? is it cool or he really a fake? PLEASE HELPPP !

planning to do second read with his videos for a few topics and rest memorizing FA

did pathoma for mostly all the systems and bnb for physiology but dont remember much. should i do these again in the second read?