Imagine then the feeling that the contrast of ice cold can cause the skin heated

Imagine then the feeling that the contrast of ice cold can cause the skin heated by excitement and passion during sex. If you want to enjoy as a couple of moments full of erotic and extraordinary fun, try to put ice cubes in your preliminary and increase the sexual desire of both.

Before you start using ice cubes in bed, you need to prepare where the preliminary will go. The room temperature is rather warm or warm and cover the bed with large towels so that when ice melts, the bed is not too wet. In addition, create the atmosphere of the place with a soft light inviting to the privacy of both.

If you want the erotic games with ice to last, the best thing is to bring a container full of ice to renew them every time they melt. Start by bringing your partner’s excitement up with delicious cold kisses. Put an ice cube in your mouth for a few seconds so your lips are moist. Then kiss him gently and slightly, licking him while scrolling through his neck and going back to his mouth. When you notice passion is triggered, grab another ice cube and play with it by passing it on your partner’s mouth. These cold kisses will cause more than one thrill and will be the perfect prelude to what will come next.

Then take a new ice cube and use it to go through his entire body little by little. You can make him lay on his stomach and pass the ice on his back as you go down to the thighs. Then ask him to turn around and do the same by sliding the ice over areas such as chest, nipples, chest, hips and stop before you get to his sex. And if you do all these movements followed with your tongue, the temperature changes will make it burn with pleasure.

Feeling the extreme cold on your gender doesn’t please everyone, that’s why it’s best to be that instead of directly applying the ice on the skin, you drop it out of your mouth or do it by stroking your body. When your mouth is cold, gently pass your lips on the genitals and make slight caresses with your tongue. So you who will make ice your allies for extraordinary preliminary.

Tips and precautions for using ice in bed:

  • Avoid direct contact of the ice cube with parts like penis, testicles and clitoris, they could cause burns.

  • Use ice cubes in a hot place.

  • Trying to prevent water from getting into the ears or other parts of the body as it can be awkward.

  • Respect each other’s desires every moment.