In order to fully understand the aging process around the eyes

The eyes reflect age more than any other part of the body. In order to fully understand the aging process around the eyes. It’s helpful to look at young IDEAL eyelids and compare them with aged eyelids. It’s important to understand that the brow and the upper eyelid are intimately related. The brow supports the upper lid skin, much like a curtain rod supports curtains. Both age at the same rate, except for the tail of the brow which typically ages faster. This leads to a loss of the arch with rounding of the brow causing heaviness and hooding of the upper lid skin.

:black_small_square:The young upper eyelid shows the ideal proportion of “eye shadow space” which is the portion of the upper eyelid that’s visible from the lash line to the crease, and it should be 1/3, and at most, 1/2 of the entire distance from the lash line to lower border of the eyebrow. The lid skin under the brow is full with no excess skin.

:black_small_square:The aged upper eyelid has lost all “eye shadow space” and demonstrates deflation of the tissues, excess skin, hooding of the upper eyelid and static wrinkles or crow’s feet.

:black_small_square:The young lower eyelid perfect shape has a slightly upward tilt as it approaches the corner. There’s an absence of crow’s feet, a tear trough, or deflation in the tissues. The lid – cheek junction is smooth and undetectable.

:black_small_square:The aged lower lid has lost its almond shape. It has many static fine lines and loss of volume, leading to a hollowed appearance along the bony rim with a prominent tear trough. The tear trough accentuates the bulging fat pads above it. When the lower lid tissues deflate, gravity pulls the skin down, and you can see the significant elongation of the lower lid skin compared with the younger eyelid. This elongation and tear trough cause the loss of the smooth lid-cheek junction of youth.