Injury to radial nerve in lower part of spiral groove

Injury to radial nerve in lower part of spiral groove-

    1. Spares nerve supply to extensor carpi radialis longus
    1. Results in paralysis of anconeus muscle
    1. Leaves extensions at elbow joint intact
    1. Weakens pronation movement

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Radial nerve injury

  •    High radial nerve palsy- Injury above the spiral groove.

o Paralysis of all muscles supplied by radial nerve.

o Clinical features

§ Wrist drop, finger drop, thumb drop

§ Extension affected of- elbow, wrist, thumb and fingers

§ Sensation affected of- posterior surface of arm and forearm and lower lateral half of forearm.

  •    Low radial nerve palsy- Injury below the spiral groove.

o Type I- Injury between spiral groove and elbow.

§ Elbow extensors are spared- Triceps and Anconeus.

§ Wrist, thumb and finger extensors paralysed- wrist drop, thumb drop, finger drop.

§ Loss of sensation on dorsal side of first web space.

o Type II- Injury below the elbow joint.

§ Elbow and wrist extensors spared

§ Thumb and finger extensors paralysed.(extensor digitorum, extensor digiti minimi, extensor indicis, extensor pollicis longus, extensor pollicis brevis)- Thumb drop and finger drop.

                       § Loss of sensation on dorsal side of first web space.