Irregular menstrual blood loss since last 16 months of menarche

1.Question-- A 13 year old heathy girl has very irregular menstrual bllod loss since last 16 months of menarche. What might be the possible cause–

A. Iron deficiency anemia

B. Anemia due to vitamin B12 deficiency

C. Latent TB

D. Immature hypothalamic - pituitary ovarian axis

E. Leukemia

2.Question – A normal healthy 13 years old boy was found to have high blood pressure on 4 different set-up. Which of the following options is correct–

A. It is normal and only counseling is required

B. Adolescent high BP never requires drug therapy

C. Most patient eventully develops hypertensive crisis

D. Most of adolescent patient have essential hypertension

E. They should avoid outdoor sports

3.Question-- A 15 years old girl has profound obesity. Which of the following complications of obese adolescent cause pulmonary compromise –

A. Pleual effusion

B. Lung collapse

C. Emphysema

D. Sleep apnea

E. Cardiac insufficiency

4.Question-- A child was diagnosed as having McCune - Albright syndrome. What other condition is associated with it-

A. Pancytopenia

B. Pre-cocious puberty

C. Meningitis

D. Immunodeficiency

E. Psychosis

5.Question --A 14.5 years old girl noticed to have left breast mass. She observed the swelling 10 days ago. The mass is non-tender and is located in subareolar area. She denies any history of discharge from the nipple. Most likely diagnosis:

A. Sebaceous cyst

B. Lipoma

C. Fibroedenoma

D. Malignant tumor

E. Abscess