I've been a little lazy with my exercises lately and so my stiffness is quite high for being 11 months Post Op

I’ve been a little lazy with my exercises lately and so my stiffness is quite high for being 11 months Post Op. I’m starting to eat better so that should help with inflammation.

My question to you is… What are some good exercises that I can do while watching tv? I would love some low-key strength and range of motion to work on like yoga while I’m entertained by my favorite show!

Neda Jovanovic

I found that heel slides helped a lot with range of motion and even laying on your stomach, doing hamstring curls and then using your good leg to push it even more, I go to where I’m uncomfortable and just hold it there for about 10 seconds and repeat it for 5-10 reps, I’ve noticed that as my range of motion improved, so did the stiffness!!

I have found when I’m sitting, I extend my leg and do quad sets. I focus on pushing my knee down into whatever I may be resting on and flexing for 10-15 seconds, and I try to do three or four sets of 10 about every hour. It does take some concentration to count, but minimally.

I am not sure yoga-wise, but I’ve been working on butterflies to stretch. I try to get a little closer to my body every day.

As far as my routine for my “dedicated” exercises, I set alarms on my phone for every day of the coming week to max out my four rotations, based on my schedule, and make it non-negotiable to myself.

Good luck!