I've noticed a lot of posts asking about very different subjects

Dear doctors,

I’ve noticed a lot of posts asking about very different subjects. I took the QE1 last year and would like other doctors to perform the same way, as it’s the exam most doctors have problems with, and you’re also able to only take it once, should you pass.

I’m almost finished creating a lecture where I will talk about the following topics:

-How to tackle the exam: Understanding how to answer is as important as having the medical knowledge. If you can understand what the exam makers want, then I assure you the exam becomes a WHOLE lot easier.

-Materials: There are many opinions on which books you should read. Here I will tell you exactly what to use and what not to touch as to not waste your time, and trust me, I went through pretty much almost everything.

-High yield topics: Which subjects you should focus on when studying. There are 3-5 star topics in the exam.

-Miscellaneous points

I will be charging a small fee as this is information you will most likely not find anywhere else.

Please note this is not a QE1 subject course. I will not be lecturing you on medical subjects like Psychiatry or Surgery, nor will I be talking about CaRMS. This will merely be a lecture on how to have a much higher chance of passing your QE1 exam/ getting a good score by understanding the exam.

Also please note that I will not be divulging confidential information such as the exact questions or answers I got on my exam. Please refrain from asking

If you’re interested please leave a comment below with an email you can be reached at, please do not message me through Facebook. I will be imparting the lecture some time in mid March.

Keep in mind this is a full fledged lecture that will last approximately 2 hours, maybe more depending on the amount of questions.

Kind regards,
