Last week, I started bleeding and thought it was a normal period (I don’t monitor my dates exactly)

Last week, I started bleeding and thought it was a normal period (I don’t monitor my dates exactly) but it gradually got heavier until I was passing lots of blood and clots. It crossed my mind that perhaps I was having a miscarriage without knowing I was pregnant. This would be surprising as we use withdrawal method carefully. In the end I went to the hospital as I was getting very weak. I was scanned and things looked normal and there was no evidence of pregnancy through testing. I was prescribed a contraceptive and a med to stop the bleeding. Although the meds have started to work I feel like I got a prescription without knowing the cause of this episode. Can anyone advise me further? I am 37, no children. I had a miscarriage 10 years ago when the bleeding didn’t stop until I had a D&C and a transfusion was needed. Hence why this worried me. Thanks in advance.

Do you know what your iron levels like?

no idea, I didn’t have this tested.

My MIL had this issue and shes a few years older than you. For her this lasted up to a year before someone finally figured out she had Fibroids. Almost every scan she had gotten didnt show them, it had to be taken at the right time. I would definitely see if this could be a part of your journey, and get it checked out.

thank you - at my next appointment I will ask