Match Journey. Step 1:243

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#match2020 Experience

Match Journey.

Step 1:243

Step 2 CK:247

Step 2 CS: 2nd attempt

Greencard holder

YOG: 2018

5 months USCE(one month hands-on)

Matched into IM in an off cycle position in a developing Community hospital program!

I would say that my journey is unconventional in so many ways. I worked really hard and got good enough scores in steps 1 and 2. Then, I studied well for CS, attended a short course for its preparation and did really well in the mock exams too. I gave the exam just before the match season started last year, going in with an incomplete application but feeling confident that my CS result in the middle of the cycle might fetch me a few interviews.

I got 2 interviews before my results and had received many other positive responses from programs saying that they would be willing to call me for an interview once I have my CS results. One of the aforementioned 2 interviews went really well and I had a good feeling about the place and its faculty. But things were not meant to go by the plan that I had laid out for myself. Surprisingly I failed CS in SEP, which was very hard for me to swallow because I’ve spoken English fluently all my life, taken parts in debates and I am an amateur poet myself. With the failure my hopes of matching in the cycle were extinguished too as it wasn’t possible for me to be ECFMG certified before the match date.

It took me some time and good advice from people who had faced similar situations to overcome the disappointment and give the exam another go 2 months later. I looked at the positive side of the failure, the extra reading did allow me to sharpen up my clinical and diagnostic skills and take it to the next level. I worked on the reflective listening portion of the SEP and my speed and volume while speaking which resulted in me getting a relatively high performance score on my second attempt.

I was gearing up to apply in this cycle when I came to know about a few off cycle positions so I decided to try my luck. I received an interview within a day and received the email that I matched 3 weeks later!!

Initially, I did have a few reservations if I should accept this offer without even looking at what options I might have in front of me in the match cycle. But then I decided to take it up because I didn’t really have any real negatives against this program and I didn’t want to lose what I have in my hands by being greedy for a proposedly better option in the future.

It might sound a little philosophical but personally, when I was given the chance I wanted to play my part as a doctor during the pandemic, instead of taking part in the cut throat race full of uncertainties for another year.

I could have maybe gotten into a better program with my credentials but I am satisfied with what I have. The grass is not always greener on the other side if one has a different outlook. I’ll try to give my best and work extra hard during my residency to build my CV for my desired


When I started studying for the steps I had always kept a two year timeline in my mind, that I would match in 2020 after graduating in 2018. After so many ups and downs, failures and drawbacks, in one way things did go to plan in the end 🙂

P.S. I don’t know how much I can help with Personal statement/ERAS questions/Other Match cycle questions but if anybody has any doubts about interview prep, exam preparation or need advice regarding the mental aspect of the journey then I would love to help out.

Best of luck to everyone applying this year, trust yourself, you’ve got this 😀