MEDIAN NERVE [labourer's nerve]–C5,6,7,8,T1


midshaft of humerus----------------------radial N & profunda brachii A
surgical neck of humerus-------------axillary N & posterior circumflex humeral A
supracondylar # of humerus-------median N
medial epicondyle of humerus—ulnar N
hook of the hamate-----------------------ulnar N (outstreched hand)
neck of femur-----------------------------------medial circumflex femoral A (avascular necrosis of head)
supacondylar # of femur--------------popliteal A
neck of fibula-----------------------------------common peroneal N
fall on the point of shoulder------upper trunk of brachial plexus
elbow is stuck(funny bone)--------ulnar nerve
fall asleep with arm over the back of chair-------------radial nerve
attempt to cut the wrist-------------------------------------------------median nerve
foot drop------------------------------deep peroneal nerve
wrist drop-----------------------------radial nerve
claw hand-----------------------------lower trunk(Klumpke’s)
ulnar nerve
waiter’s tip---------------------------upper trunk(Erb’s)
ape or simian hand-----------median nerve

of medial mallealus of tibia-----------------posterior tibial nerve(sensory-sole of foot;motor-intrinsic muscles of sole )

-----------------anterior tibial artery
posterior dislocation of hip-------------sciatic nerve

MEDIAN NERVE [labourer’s nerve]–C5,6,7,8,T1

Pen test
Ape thumb
Loss of opposition
Pointing index
If you ask an Ape to pick up a pen he wont be able to do so because his opposition has been lost and he has a pointing index,so just clasp him and do the Benediction test and find that his median N is injured!

ULNAR NERVE [muscian nerve]—C8,T1

Supply ADDuctor pollicis
Book test(Fromet sign)
Card test
Egawa’s test
Book and card are similar,similarly Fromets sign and Egawa’s test is used to test Ulnar N which supplies adductor pollicis.


Wrist drop
Thumb drop
Finger drop
All the drops come under radial.

Nerve Injuries

Injury to common peroneal N——>Foot drop and inversion(Equinovarus)
Injury to superficial peroneal N—->Inversion of foot
Injury to deep peroneal N——>Foot drop
Injury to tibial N——>Dorsiflexion and everion of foot at subtalar and trans tarsal joints(Calcaneovalgus)
Tarsal tunnel syndrome —–>due to entrapment of Tibial N while passing deep to flexor retinaculum in between med malleolus and calcaneus.
Tip: Sciatic N neutral, it divides into Tibial N and Common peroneal N which have opposite actions.

Injury to Common peroneal N causes Equinovarus(Inversion and Foot drop/plantar flexion) which is exactly opposite to the injury to Tibial N,Calcaneovalgus(Eversion and Dorsiflexion).