Mediastinal emphysema after tracheostomy occurs due to

  1. Mediastinal emphysema after tracheostomy occurs due to:
    a. When the pretrachial fascia is sutured tightly.
    b. Injury of the pleura.
    c. Non of them.
    d. Both of them.

  2. Pneumothorax after trachestomy occurs due to:
    a. When the pretrachial fascia is sutured tightly.
    b. Injury of the pleura.
    c. Non of them.
    d. Both of them.

  3. The following drug is contraindicated after tracheostomy:
    a. Expectorants.
    b. Analgesics.
    c. Opiates.
    d. Non of them.

  4. The best position after trachestomy:
    a. Supine.
    b. Semi-sitting.
    c. Standing.
    d. On one side.

  5. Dyspnea, crepitation and expectoration of large amount of frothy stained
    sputum after trachestomy is suspected of:
    a. Pneumothorax.
    b. Acute pulmonary edema.
    c. Mediastinal emphysema.
    d. Non of them.