Meniscus tears are extremely painful

Meniscus tears are extremely painful. I gained a lot of weight and lost a lot of leg muscles after injuring my right knee. It’s been a long journey building muscle back in my leg after some serious muscle atrophy. I still got some work to do but I’m proud of the results so far. Slow and steady. You got to keep working at it.

not fun right. Did you recover just fine?

took me months to get an MRI as no1 believed me the pain was so bad

Got my 2nd acl surgery in June

Same. Been through two acl reconstruction and two meniscus repairs

i am good. Lots of rehab. I am 5 months post op on my left knee ( acl reconstruction)

I dunno If it’s just me but the surgery and after was way worst than the actual injury lol 15 months later my leg still hurts

Good job brother.

ACL, MCL, fractured bone. 8 months later meniscus said nah I’m done, ripped and unrepairable. Now they want to file down some bones in my leg to straighten my leg, so I’m not putting pressure on bone on bone as snyvise injections aren’t work. Or give me a meniscus transplant . Medically discharge from the defence cause of my knee. (Other injuries also)

But I’m strong and still grinding.

Goal: not to be in an electric wheel chair by 60. One body take care of it

I did not look like that after my two ACL surgeries. I think my doctor did something wrong.

Mine planted or sneaked fats in there.