MGD is one of the most common disorders encountered with ophthalmologists

MGD is one of the most common disorders encountered with ophthalmologists.
Patients with severe MGD often complain that their quality of life is significantly adversely affected by MGD symptoms.

The goal of all the treatments of MGD is to improve the flow of meibomian gland secretions, thus leading to normal tear film stability.

The traditional treatments of MGD consist of warm compresses and improved eyelid hygiene for removing obstructed meibum, as well as antibiotics and anti-inflammatory agents aiming at improving the quality of the meibum. However, these treatments may be frustrating. Hence the need for other treatment options has become mandatory.

■Intraductal Meibomian Gland Probing and Expression (MGPE): This procedure addresses the root cause of gland dysfunction from within the gland itself. This assists in removing obstructions or scar tissue within the duct and relieves symptoms of chronic obstructive Meibomian gland dysfunction.

■Thermal pulsation system:
TearScience’s LipiFlow, was the first device aimed specifically at MGD-related evaporative dry eye. It combines heat with physical massage to liquefy and express the meibomian gland contents in an effort to get the lipid layer of the ocular surface back to normal again.
The ThermoFlo device heats the oil glands from outside the lid. Periodic pressure for expressing the glands’ oil is applied.
:black_small_square:iLux Device:
iLux uses the applications of light-based heat and compression under direct visualization. This effectively delivers both heat and compression to both sides of the eyelid.
It applies heat via heating elements — called SmartLids — that are applied directly to the outer eyelids to consistently provide the heat needed to soften blockage of MGD.

■ Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) treatment:
Possible mechanisms of action underlying the effects of IPL treatment in MGD include;
:black_small_square:The thermal effect of IPL facilitating meibomian gland secretion by softening meibum
:black_small_square:Ablation of telangiectasia decreasing inflammatory factors released around the glands
:black_small_square:Reduction of bacteria and other microorganisms on the eyelids.

■Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) injection to Meibomian Glands:
Autologous platelet rich plasma injected into the MG to improve the gland structure and potential overall functionality.

■PRP Eye Drops or Auto Serum Drops:
Using the patient’s own platelet rich plasma in the form of topical eye drops promotes healing in the treatment of dry eye disease by improving tear stability and ocular surface health and comfort.