Milia are small, pearly white or yellowish cysts that can occur on the face (including eyelids and under eyes)

Milia are small, pearly white or yellowish cysts that can occur on the face (including eyelids and under eyes). They can occur elsewhere on the body as well.

■Milia occur when keratin becomes trapped beneath the surface of the skin forming a raised small, dome-shaped bumps that are usually white or yellow. Keratin is a strong protein that’s typically found in skin tissues, hair, and nail cells.

■Milia can occur in people of all ethnicities or ages. They’re usually not itchy or painful. However, they may cause discomfort for some people. Rough sheets or clothing may cause milia to appear irritated and red.

■Milia are typically associated with some type of damage to the skin e.g. sun damage. They can also develop if the skin loses its natural ability to exfoliate. This can happen as a result of aging.

■Milia on eyelids and under eyes often are persistent. Strategies that may be used for milia treatment include:
Liquid nitrogen freezes the milia. It’s the most frequently used removal method.
A sterile needle picks out the contents of the cyst.
:black_small_square:Topical retinoids:
These vitamin A-containing creams help exfoliate your skin.
:black_small_square:Chemical peels:
Chemical peels cause the first layer of skin to peel off, unearthing new skin.
:black_small_square:Laser ablation:
A small laser focuses on the affected areas to remove the cysts.
Extreme heat destroys the cysts.
Destruction curettage. The cysts are surgically scraped and cauterized.
:black_small_square:Plasma technology devices:
e.g. (Plasmage, Plexr, Jett Plasma)