Mohammed Usmle Step 3 Experience

Alhamdulilah passed Step 3. Just want to emphasise few points:

UWORLD is the most important source do it very well at least twice and memorize all the tables.

Many concepts in UWORLD appeared in the exam. is the best source to prepare for CCS. It gives you feedback and this will help you

to know where you stand and what to order and what not to order. It worth every penny. CCS
delay is only one to 2 seconds ,u can simulate this delay in

Biostats in this exam is ultra important. U can not walk into the exam without absorbing all the

biostats facts and knowing them very well. I am not talking about drug ads which we all struggle
with . I am talking about sens. Spec, LHR and types of the studies ,etc. UWorld biostats review is
really helpful.

Time management is very important. U can not read all the scenario. U read first the main

question and the answers and then read the scenario if needed. At least when u read the scenario
after reading the question ,u know what to search in the scenario . By doing this I still was
finishing just on time .