Which of the following represents morphology of sporothrix scheinki when it grows in tissues
- A
- B
- C
- D
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Sporothrix schenckii
It is a dimorphic fungus found world wide. In the environment it is found growing as filamentous hyphae. In host tissue it is found as a yeast.
In host tissue it is present as pleomorphic yeast like cells with spherical, oval and elongated forms as shown in figure (B) so its the answer
Infection generally occurs by traumatic inoculation of soil, plants, and organic matter contaminated with the fungus In humans, the lesions are usually restricted to the skin, subcutaneous cellular tissue, and adjacent lymphatic vessels.
The gold standard for sporotrichosis diagnosis is culture were it grows in hyphae form. Microscopically, hyphae are septate approxmately 1 to 2 micrometer in diameter, Conidia ace oval shaped and glass like (hyahne) in appearance, They may be coloiless or darkly colored.
Lymphocutaneous sporotrichosis involves secondary lesions (papules that are not very painful and often ulcerate) developing along lymphatic channels proximal)’ from the site of inoculation.
DOC = Itraconazole.
Certain leisure and occupational activities, such as floricufture, agriculture. are traditionally associated with the mycosis and it is also known as - rose handlers disease,
(B) = Sporothrix schenckii
Now see figure ©
© = Cryptococcus
Now see figure (D)
(D) = Paracoccidoides