Most people lose weight but the face is heavy

Easy tips to reduce face fat

Most people lose weight but the face is heavy. It doesn’t look good to gain weight after losing weight. Delicate footsteps make the face beautiful. Losing weight from a certain part of the body is usually a whole body. Losing weight is more difficult. But losing face fat is not that difficult because it needs to work on the whole body to slim the face. Sometimes face fatigue or use of a diet. Swelling comes on. This swelling is especially more prominent after waking up in the morning, which itself reduces a little later. However, if you want to lose face weight or lose fat, try following tips:

1 Do a facial workout

  • Spread the eyes and look at some place carefully. Keep your face in the same condition for ten seconds then relax. Repeat the process five times

  • make fish fee. Pull the cheeks in. Do this exercise five times at a time.

  • take a long breath and soak the lips. Now push the air to right and left. Let it continue for five minutes.

  • Look up and breathe out loud. This is a good exercise to beautify the cheeks bone.

  • The best exercise is to smile. The more you smile, the more your face stays in shap.

2 more use of water

Water is the best food for fat. Drinking water in abundant quantity not only reduces weight but also protects man from many types of diseases. Water is clean and the body is free from bachelor ingredients.

3 Use of healthy diet

If you want to reduce face fat, then it is very important to use food. It also provides essential nutrition and energy to your body. Increase the use of vegetables and fruits in your diet. Always eat on time. Eating late at night does not digest that which causes swelling on the face. Take a diet full of calcium and fiber.

  1. Peaceful sleep

The face is swelling due to not complete sleep. Taking full sleep on time also keeps health good. At least eight hours of sleep is very important for good health. If you don’t take so much sleep, you will get hanged soon. It’s cold and it’s lightening under the eyes.

5 Chew the Chewing Gum

Chewing chewing gum reduces face fat. This is the best exercise to bring face into shape. However, use chewing gum sugar free.

6 facial massage

Regular massage reduces face weight rapidly. It improves oxygen and blood flow in the face. Also, massage keeps the skin tight. Facial massage once to twice a month can help in face shape. It stays.

7 Avoid smoking

Smoking cigarettes causes water underneath the skin which causes swelling on the face and makes your face look fat. Avoid smoking and smoking to keep the face slim.