My 262 Step 2 CK experience
Step 1: 240
Step 2CK: 262
UWSA1 Approx 252 (2 weeks out)
UWSA2 approx 255 (1 week out)
NBME 8- 213 (3 weeks out)
Resources used: OME, UWorld, SUS2CK, Misc Step 1 resources
My Prep:
OnlineMedEd videos in preparation for each core rotation during the year prior to exam.
UWorld questions for each specialty done during the rotation in preparation for the shelf (Internal medicine only 50% completed)
Subject shelf at the end of each rotation.
Around June 50% UW completed at an overall average of 60.2%
Dedicated prep time: 1 month
Reset Uworld and did 1-1.5 blocks per day, random, timed. Completed about 90% of UW prior to exam day at an overall average of approx. 65%.
Exam day experience:
Felt very uncomfortable with the material very ambiguous answer options with very few ‘’AHA’’ I know what youre asking me type questions. Decent spread across all subjects.
Felt much less time pressured than Step 1, just wanted to get it over with, was able to do 2 blocks 10 min break 2 blocks 10 min break 1 block 15 min lunch break 2 blocks 10 min break and then remaining 2 blocks (didn’t use all my break vs step 1 where I did)
Feeling after exam: Definitely thought I failed and will need to retake it. DO NOT WORRY, every one feels like this, it is a torturous exam but you, like many others will overcome
If I were to do prep again I would have used First aid Step 2CK as base book to write in ( not SUS2CK)
To easily be able to top my score, would recommend doing all subject questions in blocks of 40 along with First aid specific subjects (First aid for Psych etc) as it offers much deeper understanding. Finish one round of Uworld like this to form a solid base (I did not)
Repeat Uworld random timed and finish UWorld a 2nd time
Use OnlineMedEd to fill in knowledge gaps and Miscellaneous First aid step 1 pages because they are not as well covered in step 2 (eg page on Glycogen storage diseases, Fungal Lung infections) as they still come up in UW2. Do FAStep 1 rapid review pages in week before exam.
Please let me know if you have any questions!