My honest plab 1 Nov 5 experience

My honest plab 1 Nov 5 experience.

  1. Exam was bit a tricky Just memorizing the answers from Plabable question bank would not help, cause in the exam, the questions will be of the same concept but a different type of question will be asked, so please don’t by-heart the answers without knowing the concept. You’ll have to know the first and second line drug treatments.
  2. sticking only to Plabable isnt a wise decision , cause the question models were a bit different to that on the exam, few were lengthy and some were short so just doing Plabable and plabkeys( covers same things in Plabable in the form of pdf) might make the exam difficult.
  3. ukmedapp is a very good resource, they covered topics that were not in Plabable which was asked for the exam either in their notes or mcqs
  4. medrevison is also a good choice rather than just sticking to Plabable.
  5. just sticking to Plabable and plabkeys is not a good plan I guess, there is enough time to cover atleast one more resource before the 2021 exam and that will definelty help you
    Good luck to everyone preparing and to everyone waiting for the results