NIMHANS PG Paper 2002 (Part 1 of 14)

A 17 yr nonsmoking man presents with deep venous thrombosis and a pulmonary embolus. This is his second hospital admission for a similar presentation 1 yr ago. The patient has a family history for reccurent pulmonary emboli. The PTT remains normal after initiation of heparin therapy. Another dose of heparin produces similar results. The patient most likely has

  1. von Willibrands disease

  2. Antithrombin III deficiency

  3. Antibodies against heparin

  4. Protien C defect

  • All of the following are hypercoagulable conditions except

    1. AT III deficincy

    2. Protien C deficiency

    3. Protien S defieciency

    4. Anti Lupus anticoagulant deficiency

  • All of the following are responsible for internal rotation of shoulder joint except

    1. Infraspinatus

    2. Teres Major

    3. Deltoid

    4. Pectoralis Major

  • In a patient presenting with hoarseness of voice, inability to turn head to left against resistance was on examination found to have a swelling in the cervical region. The nerves affected in the lesion are

    1. IX, XII XII

    2. VII, X, XI

    3. IX, X XI

    4. V, X, XI

  • In undisplaced fracture of neck of femur the ideal treatment includes

    1. Skeletal traction

    2. Internal fixation

    3. Femoral head prosthesis

    4. Each of the above has similar prospects and results

  • A person skying on a slope falls and presents with pain in the wrist. On examination there is no deformity. The diagnosis is

    1. Colles fracture

    2. Scaphoid fracture

    3. Trapezius dislocation

    4. Lunate subluxation

  • A patient with Hb level 6 gms/dl, TLC-3500 and platelet count 50, 000. The most probable diagnosis is

    1. Leukemia

    2. Multiple myeloma

    3. Aplastic anemia

    4. Megaloblastic anemia

  • Fresh frozen plasma is best given in which of the following situations

    1. Post op bleeding

    2. Elective endoscopy where PT has been found to have increased due to effect of coumarin

    3. Bleeding due to thrombocytopenia

    4. In burns patient

  • A patient presented with pulmonary embolism the treatment to be given is

    1. Urokinase with fibrinolytics

    2. IV heparin with continous infusion followed by coumarin for 4 − 5 months

    3. Subcutaneous Heparin 5000 units

    4. Warfarin with INR 1 − 1.5

  • In a patient post myocardial infarction developed atrial fibrillation. Subsequently the ECHO showed a mural thrombus. The management is by

    1. Warfarin

    2. Cardioversion

    3. Digoxin

    4. Propranolol