NIMHANS PG Paper 2002 (Part 11 of 14)

About abdominal aneurysm is

  1. Size relates to chances of rupture

  2. Usually asymptomatic till rupture

  3. 30 day mortality in emergency operation is less then 10%

  • True about bladder carcinoma is

    1. Painless heamturia is most common symptom

    2. Alcohol consumption is a predisposing factor

    3. >90% are squamous cell carcinoma

  • Second messengers are

    1. Inositol P

    2. DAG

    3. PLC

  • In Nicotine addiction the treatment is

    1. Nicotine nasal spray

    2. Diazepam

    3. Naltrexone

  • Alcohol craving is decreased by

    1. Disulfiram

    2. Acomprosite

    3. Naltrexone

  • MDMA

    1. Ecstasy is another name for it

    2. It's a cocaine congener

    3. Cuases parkinsonism like syndrome

  • A 3 year old child can

    1. Hop on one foot

    2. Copy a square

    3. Match as per shape

  • Hallucination is seen in

    1. Delusional syndrome

    2. Delirium

    3. Mania

  • Regarding ovarian neoplasm true is

    1. Most common from epithelium

    2. Most commonly benign

    3. Germ cell tumors are mostly malignant

  • In HIV vaccines that can be given are

    1. Measles

    2. Oral typhoid vaccine

    3. Hepatitis A vaccine