NIMHANS PG Paper 2002 (Part 2 of 14)

The first step on priority basis required in the management of status epilepticus is

  1. IV Diazepam

  2. IV phenytoin

  3. Airway mainetenance

  4. IV phenobarbitone

  • A patient develops mitral regurgitation following myocardial infarction. The likely cuase for this complication is

    1. Infarction involving the valve

    2. Rupture of chordae tendinae

    3. Dilatation of the ventricle

    4. Atrial fibrillation

  • A patient with congestive heart failure was started on digoxin and diuretics. He later presents with bradycardia and GIT upset and visual disturbances. His K + was found to be 2.5. The reason for these features is

    1. Left ventricular aneurysm

    2. Digoxin toxicity

    3. Viral gastroenteritis

    4. Hypokalemia

  • Oculomotor nerve passes between which of the following

    1. Superior cerebellar artery and posterior cerebral artery

    2. Anterior inferior cerebellar artery and middle cerebral artery

    3. Anterior inferior cerebellar artery and posterior cerebellar artery

    4. Posterior cerebral artery and anterior communicating artery

  • In a patient with complete median nerve palsy the function totally lost is

    1. Flexion

    2. Abduction

    3. Adduction

    4. Opposition

  • Supracondylar fracture is associated most commonly with which of the following nerve lesions

    1. Ulnar nerve

    2. Radial nerve

    3. Median nerve

    4. Posterior interossios nerve

  • In Dupytrens contracture true is

    1. It is due to acute tenosynovitis

    2. The treatment is total excision of the palmar fascia

    3. The mainstay of treatment is steroids and physiotherapy

    4. The little finger is rarely involved

  • Infection from flexor pollicis longus sheath would most likely spread to

    1. 2nd digit

    2. 3rd digit

    3. 4th digit

    4. 5th digit

  • A 60 year old patient came with 4 episodes of massive bleeding per rectum. On examination the abdomen is soft and there is no tenderness, with bowel sounds being normal. The most likely diagnosis is

    1. Diverticulitis

    2. Carcinoma rectum

    3. Heamorroids

    4. Peptic ulcer disease

  • In intestinal obstruction true is

    1. Closed loop obstruction is to be treated as an emergency

    2. Long tubes used to treat obstruction are now outdated and not used in modern practice

    3. A delay in operation in a patient with partial loop obstruction is not beneficial as compared to an early operation

    4. In strangulated obstruction the events occur so fast that fluid and electrolyte disturbances do not occur at the time of presentation