Number of teeth can be counted by all the following methods except

Number of teeth can be counted by all
the following methods except -
a) Gustafson method
b) Mile method
c) Boyde method
d) Frame method
Correct Answer - D
Ans. is `d’ i.e., Frame method
Age from teeth after 20 years
Teeth eruption is useful for age estimation upto about 18 years,
beyond which it is just a guess work. The methods used are :?
A. Gustafson’s method : Useful only in persons older than 21 years
of age, depending on the physiological changes in each of the dental

  1. Attrition - due to wear and tear from mastication, upper surface of
    teeth destroyed gradually, first involving the enamel - dentine - pulp
    (depending on the functional use of teeth and hardness of enamel).
  2. Paradentosis - recession of gums and periodontal tissue
    surrounding the teeth, exposing the neck and adjacent part of root -
    teeth fall off (poor hygiene increases paradentosis).
  3. Secondary dentine formation - develop within the pulp cavity and
    decrease size of the cavity, start from base - apex, obliterate the
    cavity, increase with age, caries and paradentosis.
  4. Cementum apposition - near the end of root, increase
    cementum, increase thickness, deposited throughout life, and form
    incremental lines (devised by Boyde).
  5. Root resorption - because of cementum and dentine, absorption
    of root start at apex and extend upward (may be pathological).
  6. Transparency of the root - seen after 30 years of age, canal in
    the dentine at first widen, increase with age because of deposition of
    minerals. They become invisible and dentine becomes transparent
    (Most reliable of all the criteria).
    B. Mile’s method : Age can be known by changes of root
    C. Boyde’ method : On enamel of the tooth, there is a line at birth
    (neonatal line). With increase in age, more lines are added, study of
    which helps in age determination.
    D. Stack’s method : Age of infant can be known from height and
    weight of erupting teeth.