Nystagmus & vertigo induced by pressure on the tragus is a sign

  1. Nystagmus & vertigo induced by pressure on the tragus is a sign of:
    a. Fistula complicating cholesteatoma.
    b. Benign paroxysmal vertigo.
    c. Vestibular neuritis.
    d. Cholesteatoma only.

  2. Fever, headache, vomiting & neck rigidity in a patient with cholesteatoma is
    an indication of:
    a. Lumbar puncture.
    b. CT scan.
    c. Fundus examination,
    d. All of the above.

  3. Insertion of Grommet tube is indicated in:
    a. Acute suppurative otitis media.
    b. Secretory otitis media resistant to medical treatment.
    c. Chronic otitis media.

  4. Acute mastoiditis is manifested by all of the following EXCEPT:
    a. Tenderness over mastoid antrum.
    b. Continuous ear discharge.
    c. Sagging of postero-superior meatal wall.
    d. Obliteration of retro-auricular sulcus.

  5. Fever & rigor developing in a case of cholesteatoma is suggestive of:
    a. Cerebellar abscess.
    b. Acute mastoiditis.
    c. Lateral sinus thrombosis.
    d. Labyrinthitis.

  6. Vertigo is a case of cholesteatoma is a suggestive of:
    a. Temporal lobe abscess.
    b. Acute petrositis.
    c. Lateral sinus thrombosis.
    d. Labyrinthine fistula.

  7. Equilibrium during angular “rotational” movement is the function of:
    a. The utricle.
    b. The saccule.
    c. The cochlea.
    d. The semicircular canal.

  8. The earliest symptom in a case with cholesteatoma that indicates intracranial
    complication is:
    a. Persistent headache.
    b. Facial palsy.
    c. SNHL.
    d. Squint.

  9. Facial palsy is most commonly:
    a. Neoplastic.
    b. Traumatic.
    c. Herpetic.
    d. Bell’s palsy.

  10. Slowly progressive conductive deafness in middle aged female with normal
    drum & Eustachian tube function is most probably due to:
    a. Otitis media with effusion.
    b. Otosclerosis.
    c. Malingering.
    d. Tympanosclerosis.

  1. a. 82) d. 83) b. 84) d. 85) c. 86) d. 87) d. 88) a.89) d. 90) b.