'One nation, one exam' is fine. What about 'One nation, one bond'?

‘One nation, one exam’ is fine.

What about ‘One nation, one bond’?

Why would you want bonds in Delhi, Gujarat, haryana etc ?

That’s my point. There should be uniformity.

No one is going to introduce bond in delhi and centrals…mark my words…they thrive on sr culture

sr appoint karna…sr posts are generslly half to one third of pg seats…they cant afgord to hv all the pg redidents in their hispitals serving bond with 1lakh plus spent on each

What’s the reason for the 3 year or 5 year bonds…Why can’t they do with 1 year bond…Anyways people will work there for 1 year, next year fresh batch will fill it. What added advantage does this 3 year or 5 year make.

Uniform bond & uniform salary